Carrymate draaggrip 0-80 mm

166.67 (Excl. BTW)

201.67 (Incl. BTW)

Op voorraad


Carrymate draaggrepen voor het heffen, dragen en verzetten van plaatmateriaal, zoals glas, gips en houtplaten. De Carrymate® 5 heeft een spanwijdte van 0 – 80 mm. Prijs per paar.

  Slim en ergonomisch tillen

  Prijs per twee stuks

Carrymate draaggrip 0-80 mm
Carrymate draaggrip 0-80 mm
166.67 (Excl. BTW)

Carrymate carrying handle 0-80 mm

The Arbo-friendly Carrymate carrying handle 0-80 mm

The Carrymate carrying handle 0-80 mm is an occupational health and safety friendly tool for lifting, carrying and moving sheet material and building elements. It protects the back and is easy to handle. The clamping jaws are absolutely clamp-tight over the entire clamping range. Slippery surfaces make gripping more difficult and when carrying through narrow passages or uneven floors, maneuvering is more difficult. Carrying handles are used in pairs and are suitable for many different materials. Self-determined clamping point allows carrying with an extended arm.

Carrying capacity

With a load capacity of 100 kg per handle, this system covers almost all portable elements. Please note: this is the maximum load capacity before it comes loose, the Carrymate can slide on a processed or damp surface.

– Load capacity per handle 100 kg (note the Arbowet lifting rules!)
– Self-adjusting clamping system
– Light aluminum construction
– Absolutely clamp-proof over the entire clamping range
– Protected handle to prevent damage
– Packed per pair!

ARBOWET Carrymate carrying handle 0-80 mm

The vacuum cleaner is suitable for 100 before the material starts to slide, but please note the following: according to the Working Conditions Act, 1 person may carry a maximum of 23 kg and 2 people together 50 kg. Follow this rule at all times. This limit is based on the  NIOSH method  , which is also included in the explanatory notes to  Working Conditions Decree 5.2  .

But weight isn’t the only factor that makes the task onerous. The frequency, the distance of the movement, the height to the floor and the rotation of the body also have an influence. The NIOSH method takes these circumstances into account. Based on this, NIOSH calculation tool calculates the recommended weight. The maximum is 23 kilos, but in extra heavy conditions this can be even lower. In general, the result is a maximum of 12 kg or even much less.

In construction, the  rule is  that goods heavier than 50 kg may not be moved manually. So not with multiple employees.

We recommend a Glass Cart with a Gevelridder if you have to lift and transport more than 50 kg.


We also sell the  hand pump piston , of course, but it is actually outdated. The real professional uses the KIM75 .