Quattro-lift Combi 200 Plus

7,469.00 (Excl. VAT)

9,037.49 (Incl. VAT)

In stock

SKU: 4001-1-2-1-1

With this Quattro-lift Combi 200 Plus you can assemble 200 kg of glass without extra help, placing glass on your own! The Quattro-lift Combi 200 can also be converted to a “normal” Quattro elevator without ballast. Two birds with one stone. The car is equipped with 4 Kim75 Plus pistons which automatically suction! Two large hand pump pistons are also included as backup. The trolley is equipped as standard with a side-shift, so that the glass can be moved a few centimeters to the left or to the right! The cart is equipped with a solid foot brake. If you already own a Quattro-lift 200, you can also order the ballast trolley separately. Call us for more information. With this elevator you can turn, elevator and place glass in no time. The ingenuity of this cart is that it has a site shift on it.

Quattro Lift 200 Combi Prof Kim4
Quattro-lift Combi 200 Plus
7,469.00 (Excl. VAT)

Quattro-lift Combi 200 Plus

With this Quattro elevator Combi 200 Prof Kim 4 you can assemble 200 kg of glass without additional help. This beautiful assembly elevator for the professional craftsman can also be converted to a “normal” Quattro elevator without a ballast car. Two birds with one stone. This glass elevator is the Mercedes among combi transport and placement carts, made in Australia. It is extremely robust, compact, smart and constructed only of small manageable segments. The placement cart is equipped with a heavy duty solid foot brake. This perform “pro Kim4” is equipped with 4 Kim Plus pistons, the electric hand pump pistons which works very conveniently on this cart. Two large hand pump pistons are also included as a backup.

With the Quattro elevator without ballast trolley you can place glass up to 80 kg alone, 150 kg together and 200 kg with three people, without violating the lifting law. If you already have a Quattro elevator 200, you can purchase the ballast trolley separately. Please call us for more info. A handy mobile glass elevator for turning, transporting and placing glass. You can also purchase a lower extension for 187 euros extra to pick up the glass lower. Why rent or buy an expensive glass robot? In the context of nitrogen calculations, the Quattro-lift is also ideal for constructions near Natura 2000 areas. No additional fossil fuels are needed to bring the expensive glass robot to the site and operate it there, the Quattro-lift Combi is a compact assembly elevator which is easy to carry in your van, in addition, the device does not run on electricity or any fossil fuel, sustainable, safe, efficient and by hand! The cute koala bear, symbol of Australia is proud of this trolley. Because of its teddy bear-like appearance, it is often mistakenly considered a bear. “Koala” comes from Dharuk, an extinct aboriginal language. It is said to mean something like “does not drink,” referring to the fact that the koala rarely drinks. The Quattro-lift Combi 200 does not drink either, so we raise a glass to this beautiful little cart! If you would like to receive detailed information or a no-obligation demonstration in our showroom in the middle of the country, please contact us.

Avoid carrying glass by hand

Glass is still regularly lifted and carried by hand when it is not necessary. Sometimes the proper lifting aids and transport equipment are lacking, sometimes it is out of convenience on the part of the employee. Glass may be lifted manually if it is not too large and heavy and does not have to be transported too far. But it is also better for your own safety to use lifting aids. But do you want to take the gamble of getting lifelong back pain, we don’t! See also the Health and Safety Catalog for the flat glass industry A good alternative to this product is the purchase of a Facade Rider set, you can do even more work with that. This set consists of a cart, a Gevelridder, a plunger and a tension clamp. The most common causes of accidents and injuries are:

  • Cuts from act of glass
  • Physical overexertion from lifting and carrying heavy sheets of glass
  • Tripping, slipping or falling
  • Being hit by a falling load

Key risks:

  1. Physical strain
  2. Being hit by (falling) materials
  3. Cutting hazard
  4. Tripping falling and slipping

Solutions to the risks:

  1. Safe manual lifting and carrying
  2. Preventing sile injury
  3. Preventing falls, slips and trips
  4. The right PPE for every operation!

Right, so Gable Knight!

Weight 220 kg
Dimensions 200 × 140 × 200 cm